Saturday, March 9, 2013

Quiet Saturdays, luvs 'em.

It's been amazingly quiet around here.

Just the way I like it.
Luv's Freya Rose Blossom X


  1. I'm with you, Freya. Keep the problems away. Quiet is good.

  2. Wish we could say the same! Never mind,I'm hoping Mother's Day will be more peaceful!

  3. Oooooh, quiet is good. Better naps.

  4. Woof! Woof! Hope you enjoyed your quiet Saturday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. It's a rainy day here. Looks like it might be rainy at your house, too. We're having a lazy time and it feels pretty good.
    Morgan, Sebastian, the Porties, Syd and Mac

  6. Freya Rose Blossom....
    I've been a stranger in these parts of Blogville--again!!--it feels so good to be back!! ;-D
    What, the television is not on for background noise? That is surprising!! We nearly always have background noise around here.... The radio, my brother's television, our local afternoon news.... ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!
