Saturday, February 27, 2016

Despicable dog nappers

We've heard there are two despicable dog nappers working around our bay in the South West of England. 

We have been having a good look around. 

We've looked and looked for them, leaving no stone unturned.

So far we haven't come across them and we don't want to. But we are on high alert.

We never get left on our own in the car EVER. We never get left outside a shop on our own. We are always in sight of mum when we are out and about.
We have both been micro chipped and it's important to have a micro chip, it's also going to be law here in a few weeks to have paws micro chipped. But you can never ever be too careful.  

Around here two young men with non English accents carry dog leads on the beach but have no dog with them. One will try to distract the owner while the other takes paws away. They target pedigree dogs, but aren't really fussy if paws aren't pedigree. They have been known to follow dog walkers along the road while driving in a white van, waiting for the best opportunity to snatch.  Best everyone knows, cos paws are too precious to go missing.

Luvs Freya Rose Blossom and Ark. XX

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Ark with his Valentine Lola

Ark is kidding cos everyone nose I am his true Valentine. 

Luvs on Valentine's Day.

Luvs Freya Rose Blossom and Ark XX

Monday, February 8, 2016

Training new paws on the beach.

It's almost a year since Dad died.  How did that time go by so quickly ? 
Even Frankie de tabby moved on bless his old paws, we miss that fluffy scrounging old bag of bones. He left us the power of his paw so we are keeping it. 

Things have changed over the last year but our old cottage is still here and full of the same lovely feeling it has always had. Soggibottom is home and full of Luvs. We needed a bit of time to adjust to our new life without Dad, the reason why posts have been almost non existent and I haven't been around much.

As most paws nose I have a new friend called Ark, who lives with me and mum at Soggibottom cottage.

Looking out for new paws was never going to be easy on our own, but it has been enjoyable time watching Ark grow and learn. Ark needed us just as much as we need him. Ark has a different look from your normal French Bulldog, he definitely won't make Crufties like his mum and dad but we luvs him. He is bold, outgoing, loving and loyal. Sits when asked, does high fives and gives his paw even when there isn't a cookie enticement. He stays, comes when asked and often walks off a lead (when it's safe to do so) and never goes one step away from mum unless it's to chase me, then he stops and looks back to make sure she is following.

As you see he often takes over around here.  He kind of sneaks into things, he sneaked into our hearts and we hope this endearing little guy sneaks into yours too.

I've been giving him lessons on the beach, he is going to make a perfect hole digger given time. 

Ark is now five months old, it's about time we both went back to the pack and joined in the fun in blog land.

Look out for us cos we will be around. 
Luv's Freya and Ark XX